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In today’s fast-paced business landscape, collaborative leadership training is essential for modern leaders to cultivate effective leadership skills. By definition, collaborative leadership is the art of leading a group of individuals who share a common goal or objective. Collaborative leaders create an environment where employees feel valued and heard, resulting in a more productive and engaged workforce. Here are some reasons why collaborative leadership training is essential for modern leaders:

  • Encourages teamwork and collaboration

According to a Stanford study in 2017, collaborative work makes employees more persistent, with participants showing a 64% longer persistence on challenging tasks, thereby boosting productivity. Collaborative leadership training emphasizes teamwork and encourages leaders to work collaboratively with their team to achieve common goals. This approach promotes trust, respect, and open communication among team members, resulting in a more coordinated and productive working environment.

  • Enhances problem-solving skills

Collaborative leaders facilitate discussion, encourage diverse perspectives, and build consensus to develop effective solutions. A learning material by the University of Kansas shows that collaborative leadership breeds more collaborative leadership and more collaboration, leading to a different way of looking at solving problems. This in turn brings more willingness to find common ground and common cause with others, thus encouraging group members to brainstorm more effective and wide-reaching solutions.

  • Fosters employee engagement

Collaborative leadership positively impacts employee engagement and satisfaction. Based on a study conducted by Gallup, having highly engaged employees produce better outcomes and are more likely to remain in their organization, and experience less burn-out. Leaders who create a collaborative environment in the workplace promote empowerment and employee participation in decision-making, leading to increased motivation, job satisfaction, and retention.

  • Develops effective communication skills

Collaborative leadership training can develop effective communication skills by teaching individuals how to effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas with others, listen actively and empathetically, and provide constructive feedback. . One study by the Center for Creative Leadership found that participants in collaborative training programs reported a significant improvement in their communication skills, particularly in areas such as listening and giving feedback. Through such training, individuals can learn how to collaborate effectively with their team members, build trust and mutual respect, and create a culture of open communication within the organization

  • Improves productivity and efficiency

Workplaces with a collaborative environment encourage the learning culture amongst employees. The ability to solve problems and think creatively is enhanced by many inputs offered by each individual, which also increases an organization’s capacity to adapt to a shifting market environment. This will produce an engaged workforce where everyone feels like a valuable part of a cohesive team under the direction of a collaborative leader. This is backed by a Stanford research where it is proven that people are 50% more productive while working in a group rather than alone, which increases their intrinsic drive and makes them more interested in their job.

In conclusion, collaborative leadership training is essential for modern leaders. It promotes teamwork, problem-solving, employee engagement, effective communication, and productivity. As businesses evolve, it is becoming increasingly important for leaders to embrace collaboration and work across teams and departments to achieve success. Collaborative leadership training is an investment that can deliver long-term benefits for leaders, their team, and their organization. Ready to become a collaborative leader? Discover our training courses at PACE by Wavemakers.