As flights remain limited and borders become blocked off, traveling is no longer familiar for most of us. Airlines are losing revenue upto 63 billion dollars, hotels across the globe have occupancy dropped to 27,9 %. Needless to say, it has been a catastrophe for businesses that depend on tourists as their revenue source. With entry bans, quarantines, and other restrictions for citizens or travellers, we analyze trends and forecast what is expected to be a recovery from next year on. How can businesses be resourceful and agile in a way that they preserve brand loyalty until things get better again?

We have organized a webinar series this past month for the entrepreneurs and businesses to adjust and innovate their digital marketing strategies to remain relevant in the eyes of their target audience.

You can watch the video here.

Shift your target market to local travelers.

There’s a shift in mindset. Traveling is becoming an act of going away, to refresh their minds. People don’t mind traveling domestically within the next 3-6 months because they know that the process is not as complicated as traveling internationally. Tourism & hospitality brands should optimize their service offerings to cater these market changes.

Pay now, stay later.

With limited budget and resources, this could be something your business does. The problem about this, you need to make your potential customers feel safe and confident about their purchases.

Digital and virtual experiences are the thing right now.

Right now, people are connected digitally. Businesses who don’t have an online presence are behind right now. So consider tapping into the digital world and create experiences in a new way. We have compiled 50 inspiring content ideas for the Tourism businesses that you can download for Free here